Knitting · Year of Projects 2021-2022

Year of Projects 2021-2022: Week 18

Just a few small things to update this week. I’ve been kind of under the weather and between that and the kitchen remodel, not a lot of time to focus on projects.

I did cast on a hat project to use the remaining few hundred yarns of a Carodan Farm Shop worsted-weight I had in stash. I’m using the March Hat pattern from Meghan Babin (which is a freebie) and have knit the ribbing and started on the patterned portion of the hat.

I also got the wreath and ribbon motifs cut out and fused to the background on my wool applique project. Hoping I can get the other motifs cut out and affixed this week so I can start stitching them down. My DH and I were supposed to take a long weekend away in the camper next weekend but I’m kind of waiting to see if I can kick whatever this thing is or if I’ll send him on alone, but this would be a nice project to have to work on if we do go.

No other progress this week on my spinning or other YOP knitting pieces. Monday was taken up entirely having our countertops replaced, and Tues/Wed were mostly focused on wiping down all the surfaces in the kitchen/dining area and the living room since everything was covered with dust from having the countertop openings cut for the sink and the cooktop after they installed everything. This week we’re supposed to have water hooked back up in the kitchen, which I am very much looking forward to as carting pots and dishes back and forth from the bathroom is kind of a pain. Once all that is done, we’re hoping we can get an electrician in to deal with some additional circuits and rewiring we need to have to bring everything up to code – so lots going on in the noncrafting world!

20 thoughts on “Year of Projects 2021-2022: Week 18

  1. That looks like it will be a cosy hat. I hope you feel better soon, it sounds like you have enough to cope with without being ill.

  2. Gosh, I hope you get to feeling better soon. Remodeling a kitchen is not for sissies. We were without our kitchen for several months when we had ours done. Hopefully you will be back to normal soon. Like the hat you have started. The wool applique is going to be so cute too.

    1. Thank you for all of those kind thoughts. It’s true about remodels but kitchens are THE WORST. I will be happy to be done trying to do dishes in a tiny bathroom sink (which also needs a remodel but we will be taking a break for a year on those major projects, I think!)

    1. We may still do that, or at least stay in the camper. We still need to have our main electric panel (the fuse box? Not sure what you’d call it in the UK) upgraded and they are saying 2 full days with no power at the house. Not sure we will love staying in the camper in December but it does have propane heat so that’s something anyway.

  3. I hope you are feeling better soon. I hate being sick and/or feeling lousy. Having a kitchen remodel is no easy task! the hat looks cool….I’ll have to take a look at that pattern. I need to start making for Christmas. Your wool applique mat is so cute. I Iove the plaid edging. I hope you have a good week!

  4. I hope you are feeling better soon, and I am sure once your are then you will enjoy your new kitchen and you will get back to crafting. Take care. Take it easy.

  5. I hope the water is now back! And things are starting to get back. Your hat looks lovely as does your applique.

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