
WIP Wednesday/YOP: May 22, 2024

Change of plans this week. I was supposed to fly back east to see my folks, but my mum, who has been overdoing it, caught some respiratory bug and felt it was better that I didn’t come. She’s seen her doctor, started some steroids, increased her asthma inhalers, and is generally doing better now but she sounded awful when she called last week to advise me not to come visit. So… rescheduled my flights and will try to head out for her birthday next month. That meant I worked on some crafty things here at home this week.

I finished up the Flagstaff Socks. The pattern is by Maven Crafted and features both colorwork and a textured pattern on the leg and foot. I added two full repeats of the texture pattern to the leg as they would have been more like ankle socks without them. A very fun pattern to knit – all the different things kept me cruising along on these. The yarn I used was a sock set from Six and Seven Fibers in the color Basil on the Oats base (which has tweedy neps in it which I quite like.)

I also started and finished a hat over the weekend. This is the Off the Rails pattern, which is a freebie on Ravelry. I used the leftover Carlsbad Worsted from Explorer Knits and Fibers which I made the recently completed Crozon sweater from, in the Gothic Quarter and Sangria colorways. This would be a great pattern for new colorwork knitters. The colorwork is super simple but I think gives it looks great, AND it’s a great stashbuster. I knit mine as written with no mods.

I’ve got two knitting projects on the go right now:

  1. Wren: This sweet little cardigan is being made with leftovers from Dragon Hoard Yarns DK and The Woolen Rabbit Sporty Biffle (which knits up more as a heavy sport/light DK). I have the body completed (except for the ends to be woven in), and am working on the sleeves. Hoping to have this finished up this week. I’m making the 9-month-old size since that’s what I have yardage for. It’s another great basic raglan pattern that is really cute and quick to make.
  2. Gray Rose: Another leftovers hat, designed by Thea Coleman/Baby Cocktails. I’m using Spun Right Round’s Merino DK in The Unmentionables for the main color and a custom-spun natural gray DK from them as well for the contrast colors. About halfway through the color charts, so I’m cruising along on this one too. The flowers (which are hard to see in this photo) have a contrast color center, but I’ll add that in with duplicate stitch when I finish the rest of the knitting.

Last but not least, Winter’s Encounter is just about at the 90% finished mark!

That’s all for this week, YOPers! If you’re here in the US, enjoy the holiday weekend!

17 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday/YOP: May 22, 2024

  1. The socks are quite smart looking. I like the tweedy nebs in them too. Hats are a great quick project. Kind of a palette cleanser. Winters Encounter! There is a light at the end if it. So excited for it to be finished. How many stitches were in it in total.

  2. Sorry about you mum and hope she is indeed on the mend. My hubby is still coughing but is starting to feel that maybe (?) he’s on the mend. He’s been sick for over a week already. I absolutely love that sock pattern. I’m off to go Favorite on Ravelry! Everything looks great. Love the baby sweater. That’s a great pattern on the hat too. The Gray Rose also if very pretty.

    1. There’s been a bunch of nasty bugs going around. She has had enough problems with respiratory illnesses and her asthma to know she needs to start all the things as soon as she starts coming down with the cough. Hope your husband feels better soon!

      Thank you!

  3. Hope your mum feels better soon. The socks are beautiful and of course, Winters Encounter is amazing!

  4. Wow, 90% of that cross stitch piece is quite an accomplishment. You are getting so close to the finish. The knitting looks lovely. I like that finished colorwork hat. It looks like a great pattern.

  5. I’m sorry you had to change your travel plans, but you clearly made the most of the situation! Beautiful projects, and I love the tweed bits in the socks. 😊

    The sweater is gorgeous! And the hat is lovely, too. I may have to check out that pattern.

  6. So many pretty things. Firstly I hope your mum is feeling better each day and you’ll be able to see her by her birthday. I love the grey and the rose together, so pretty. The socks are great, I’m so boring with my socks but these look like they’d be very smart socks for hiking in. Like Marsha I was just wondering how many stitches winter encounter has and I saw your reply and I’m blown away by that number. Incredible, looks so close now

    1. Gray and pink is one of my favorite color combos. Yeah… it feels like a lot, although it’s technically “just” a mini. I have a couple bigger projects that I wonder if I will ever finish although I know others have!

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